Neon Doves


Hayley Francis began Neon Doves in her mid twenties when she worked in the corporate world and had a creative itch that needed scratching, so she tapped into the over saturated world of fashion blogging. Eventually her corporate career leveraged her creative abilities, and she moved to the role of Creative Director. As her initial work designing her own home gained recognition and publication, clients started building, and her business under the name Neon Doves organically moved into interiors where her true love and calling was found. It was no surprise to family and loved ones, as that was also her mom’s passion, who suddenly passed away in 2017. With her passing, the world no longer felt like the same place. It became a place where fear was no longer in the way, as the worst had already came. In a dark way, it served her beautifully as it allowed her to take the plunge into what really made her happy, and in 2018, she took her love of interiors on full time, and hasn’t looked back since.

Neon Doves offers full interior design services, consults, and styling, while also running a curated shop that can be found at